Scriptural Focus: Matthew 6:25-34.
In this season, I would like to ask us a series of questions:
As believers, how are we supposed to respond in a time like this?
How has your response been?
Have you joined the team of people that are afraid?
Beloved, we need to have an understanding;
It is in times like this that the true testament of your claim as a believer is revealed and not during the good times when it was easy to clap your hands, dance, jump and sing within the four walls of the church building shouting at the top of your voice oh yes! I am a believer.
Our God is the God of the good times and the bad times, of the mountain and the valley, of the day and the night, of normal times and in this pandemic period. He is still God! Understand that we are serving a living God. The One that is able to deliver. Christ is teaching us from this Scripture how to respond to this occasion. As believers we are led by Christ, we are followers of Christ. So, in every situation, every circumstance, what you are going to do is what Jesus would want you to do.
There are two major aspects of life according to 2 Corinthians 4:18 – While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
The Bible is telling us about the things which are seen versus the things which are not seen; the things which are seen are the things which are right before us, the things which are easy to focus on right now, the secular things. The things that are obvious.
Now, the things which are not seen are the invisible spiritual realities that are beyond us, they are sacred. It may appear as if these two things are divided, they are different but they are just two sides of the same coin.
Who is Jesus here? Jesus was the One talking about these things here and the God that was made flesh. So, the life of Jesus Christ on earth was a demonstration of God becoming flesh yet He was doing spiritual things. He was teaching us spiritual principles, so yes there is a relationship between the physical and the spiritual. Our father in the Lord, Bishop Francis Wale Oke, always says something; he tells us all the time that “the spiritual controls the physical”. So, if you are prioritizing the physical things before the spiritual things then you are making a mistake.
Very often we see the troubles in life, our problems, the state of the nations, the predictions of an impending economic recession as an after-math of the pandemic, the shaking infrastructures and seemingly incapable healthcare systems of the world. Everybody is looking at the frightening possibilities, pondering on what would become of their jobs, businesses, wondering about the things they could do before but no longer can. Endless questions of what is to come?
Now, what are the things that are unseen. The promises that have been given unto us in Christ Jesus. These are the spiritual perspectives that we should have in the Word of the Lord about this situation as children of God. We are not to see as everybody is seeing right now, you should not worry or be afraid like everybody is right now. You have to look to the things that are unseen. In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus Christ was not diminishing the fact that there are needs; there are cares of this world. He is not saying that. In fact, according to the scripture, He said “Casting all your cares upon me, for I care for you.” (1 Peter 5:7) He understands. He is not dismissing our immediate cares and needs, He did not say that there would be no tribulation! No! He said to be of good cheer, He has overcome the world! (John 16:33) There is hope for you as a child of God. All you need to do is put your trust in Him.
He is saying to you, “look at the things that are unseen, the things unsaid, the bigger picture of God. As a child of God, the things seen is not the complete picture, it is just a part of the story. After what is seen comes the things that are not seen: which are the things that matters, the promises we have in Christ Jesus. Jesus wants us to see our needs in the colorful dynamic of this spiritual realities and how much the Father cares for us.
So, He is teaching us two things in this Matthew 6:25-34. The first thing that we should avoid is worry and the second thing, He tells us to embrace is “seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things shall be added unto you.” The reason why a lot of believers are easily scared is because the order is wrong. You are seeking after the things that are seen, forsaking and forgetting the things that are unseen not having the full understanding that it is those things that are unseen that call forth those things that are seen according to the scriptures. Jesus tells us Don’t Worry! In case the first time you didn’t hear Him or you forgot;
Don’t worry! Worry is not going to change anything! Cast your cares upon Him! He cares for you!
Remember John 16:33(NKJV) says, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
…The reason why a lot of believers are easily scared is because the order is wrong. You are seeking after the things that are seen, forsaking and forgetting the things that are unseen not having the full understanding that it is those things that are unseen that call forth those things that are seen according to the scriptures.