For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden : for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed ( Luke 1:48 KJV)
I am a carrier of divine blessing from generation to generation. Therefore, I will succeed in all generations.
Because the generation of the upright shall be blessed, my children shall succeed from generation to generation.
My works shall succeed from generation to generation.
The Lord will bestow upon me the sure mercies of David.
As the Lord has shown mercy to the seed of David, from generation to generation, so shall my case be.
“Thou Son of David “. The mercy of God shall make my seed great.
Because of the sure mercies of God, Jesus was called
The mercy of God shall bring eternal greatness out of my seed.
My lineage shall be relevant on earth until Christ appears in glory.
My lineage shall serve the Lord until Christ appears in glory.
My voice shall not be silenced in this generation.
My voice shall speak from generation to generation.
I am blessed and highly favored.
In Jesus mighty name.